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AKU - Inspektori Dixhital

4.6 ( 5296 ratings )
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Desarrollador Erdet Kellici

Ky aplikacion do te sherbeje per te derguar drejt AKU cdo parregullsi qe ka te bej me tregetimin, kushtet e prodhimit apo kushtet higjenosanitare te produkteve ushqimore te cilat tregetohen ne territorin e Shqiperise. Aplikacioni ka nevoje qe te aksesoje kordinatat GPS te pajisjes mobile ne menyre qe te jete i mundur identifikimi i vendndodhjes se tregetarit nga inspektoret e AKU. Fushat e shenjuara me shenjen ** jane te detyruesheme. Gjate raportimint eshte i mundur edhe fotografimi i problemit.

This application will be used to report any irregularity that is related to any food product in Albanian territory. The fields that contain ** are mandatory. GPS coordinates are used by this application for getting exact place where the issue is reported. Any user can access this application for free and can make photos of the issue.